battle royale

So I finally saw battle royale (the first movie not the sequel), and it made me wonder what on earth I was doing in high school English class, debating the symbolism of the conch shell in Lord of the Flies, when I could have just watched battle royale instead. I learned the valuable lesson that if I ever have a kid whose high school teacher looks like ‘Beat’ Takeshi, I should enroll that kid in survival/weapons training right away.

I also wondered how to extend the set-up of battle royale to the library. Perhaps instead of teaching a class on research, you could strip mine the library, give each student a randomly selected resource (one would get a volume of the Arts and Humanities Citation Index, one would get a Hungarian-English dictionary, one would get an obscure congressional hearing) and then they would be told to RESEARCH OR DIE! I think that the students who survived would be very information literate, if somewhat traumatized.

Which Battle Royale Character are you?

I’m Mimura, hacker and chemical weapons expert 🙂

#19 Mimura
“It’s time we started our own struggle.”
– #19 Mimura

Which Battle Royale Character are You?
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