Gentle Readers, I Invite Your Comments

I’m glad that there are html versions of selected articles from Cites & Insights that I can link to. I always like it when Walt writes about old movies, it makes me remember how I spent much of my time as a young teen watching movies from the 30s and 40s. I also liked reading the essay about the different levels of conversation you might expect from using various online tools.

I hope the ability to comment on this blog is as open as it can be, I feel a little unhappy that the volume of spam forced me to close off comments for some of the older entries. I think already that wordpress 1.5 makes it easier to deal with comment moderation and spam, so I’ll hopefully be able to open up the archives to comments after I migrate.

Thinking about blogs and commenting combined with getting an e-mail reminding me that my web hosting bill is due soon (I’ve been blogging for almost 2 years) makes me want to solicit some feedback about this site. If you read this blog, what do you like about it? Would you want more or less posts about certain subjects? How am I doing? How are you doing? Who are you? What is the answer to life, the universe, and everything? 🙂