Ask Tangognat: Web 2.0 and Libraries

Greg writes:
I am compiling an annotated bibliography…The topic I am working on is the impact of blogs and what I am calling “web 2.0” applications on libraries (the behind the scenes aspect with the biblioblogosphere as well as on patrons).

So far, I have the following books:

Clyde, L. (2004). Weblogs and libraries. Oxford: Chandos Publishing.

Anderson, C. R., & Sprenkle P. (2006). Reference librarianship: Notes from the trenches. New York: Haworth Information Press.

Sauers, M. (2006). Blogging and RSS: A librarian’s guide. Medford, N.J.: Information Today, Inc.

Stephens, M. (2006). Web 2.0 & libraries: Best practices for social software . Chicago: ALA TechSource.

Would you be able to recommend websites, blog posts or journal articles that are seminal works in this area? Or even “important” works in this area.

I’m really the last person to ask about this topic for various reasons, but I’ll give it a go.

Walt Crawford’s Library 2.0 and “Library 2.0”

Five Weeks to a Social Library

Libraries in Social Networking Software, Information Wants to be Free in general.

Tame the Web


Thingology (Library Thing Blog)

Next Generation Catalogs for Libraries List

This isn’t comprehensive by any means, but hopefully there are a few ideas there to get you started. I’ve been less and less inclined to write about much library stuff recently, and most of it isn’t really on my radar.