September Previews

This is what I’m thinking of getting:


After months of no solicitations, they’ve listed Queen of Ragtonia #2. I’ll order this even though I didn’t think the first volume was very strong, because I generally like Shiomi’s work. I just hope this volume actually comes out. Honestly, I tend to think that no news is bad news on the manga publishing front, and after not hearing much from either Aurora or Go Comi, I’m wondering if both of them will still be around in 2010.


Emma #10 – Emma and William get married!

Del Rey Manga

Night Head Genesis – This is a You Higuri series about psychic brothers who escape from the research center that imprisoned them, so there is no way I’m not picking this up.


Izakura Na Kiss #1 – Classic shoujo title in an omnibus edition. I’m excited to read this.


Your and My Secret #5
Future Diary #4 – I’m reminded that I need to go back and pick up the earlier volumes of this series. I liked the first volume and meant to check out volume 2.


Butterflies, Flowers #1 – FINALLY a new josei title. I have heard that Yuki Yoshihara is hilarious so this is one of the new series I am really looking forward to reading. I do not see how a manga about a girl from a rich family who gets a job at an office where her family’s former servant happens to be her sadistic boss could fail to be entertaining. I wish this was coming out now. Can you tell how much I want to read this? I really, really do. Seriously.

Children of the Sea #2 – Such a lovely series.

20th Century Boys #6 – A great manga, but I don’t need to tell you that.

Rasetsu #3 – I think I’m on the fence about this series. Volume one was okish, but I think I’ll wait to see how much I enjoyed the second volume before I decide if I want to continue with it. I liked Night of the Beasts a bunch, but some of the other Chika Shiomi series aren’t really measuring up for me.

Ooku #2 – Just got my copy of Ooku 1 yesterday. Haven’t read it yet, but I’m sure I’ll want to get this.