feed demon

I have found my RSS reader of choice and it is feed demon. It is just so easy to use, and I love the “auto discover” feature that keeps track of the feeds of some of the sites I visit as I’m browsing around, so I have a list I can go back to add new feeds at my leisure.

I can see why RSS cheerleader Steven “librarystuff” Cohen always seems to be saying “soandso should add a feed!”. Remembering to work through a list of bookmarks to check to see if some of the sites I like have updated just seems so antiquated. Unfortunately there are many sites that I like to visit every day that just don’t provide a feed. I need to look into what I can do to make feeds for myself for all the library or comics blogspot-type sites that I like to keep track of. Maybe that would be a good weekend project. I know how to party!